Live from Scotland

Publié le par Jerome

Nous voila arrive au pays des tissus a carreaux, des terrains de golfs, des whiskies, des cornemuses en kilt (et par la meme occasion des claviers qwerty tellement enervant que tous les accents ont fait la malle depuis bien longtemps... Impossible de les retrouver. Desole !)

L'auto-stop fonctionne ici aussi bien qu'ailleurs, mais il nous faut maintenant tendre le pouce gauche si on ne veut pas retourner de la ou on vient. Quelques reflexes nous trompent, mais nous nous adaptons bien.

Nous avons consacre nos premiers jours outre manche a visiter Sheffield et Glasgow, et a preparer notre longue randonnee d'un mois. Nous partons de Glasgow pour rejoindre Cap Wrath, tout au nord des highlands. Nous prevoyons une trentaine de jours de marche, une centaine d'averses et presqu'autant d'eclaircies, plusieurs milliards de petits moustiques...

Les courses sont faites (amis carolos, le pate ardennais semble plus conquerant que la Rillette du Mans et autre Andouille de Vire... Il copine avec les whiskies !), les cartes bien etudies, les sacs deja fermes et les lacets bientot noues...

Demain commence le West Higland Way !

Avant de se quitter, un petit cours d'ecossais recu par mail ce jour :

I have decide to speak to you in english because you must habituer yourself to this language.
and i can tell you how much it will be most difficult when you'll be in scotland cause they speak english... But not really english english's a kind of language nobody understand neither scotischs themself... that the they don't speak more than "Gi'me the butter" or " gi'me the salt"

So First lesson to comunicate with local population:
you must learn how to roll the "R"
please reapeat after me : "butterrrrrr r"...."butterrrrrr r"  ..... "We arrrrrre frrrrench rrrroverrrs" ....Very good

second lesson
When you dont know how to prononciate  a letter  you must change it for an "o"

So now you will say : "gi'mo tho bottorrrrrr " ...or...:  "Weo orrrrrre frrrrunch rrrrovorrrs"

second lesson : make short sentences
for exemple, you will not say : "could you please gi'me the salt dear" no no no ! in Scotland you will sa
y  : "solt "
You can also say : "solt pleose" if you are not absolutly shure of the quality of the relation you have with  the one you are speaking to.

This is the minimum you must know to survive,  If you need other lessons  tell it  to me...
I have decide to speak to you in english because you must habituer yourself to this language.
and i can tell you how much it will be most difficult when you'll be in scotland cause they speak english... But not really english english's a kind of language nobody understand neither scotischs themself... that the they don't speak more than "Gi'me the butter" or " gi'me the salt"

So First lesson to comunicate with local population:
you must learn how to roll the "R"
please reapeat after me : "butterrrrrr r"...."butterrrrrr r"  ..... "We arrrrrre frrrrench rrrroverrrs" ....Very good

second lesson :
 When you dont know how to prononciate  a letter  you must change it for an "o"

So now you will say : "gi'mo tho bottorrrrrr " ...or...:  "Weo orrrrrre frrrrunch rrrrovorrrs"

second lesson : make short sentences
for exemple, you will not say : "could you please gi'me the salt dear" no no no ! in Scotland you will say  : "solt " 
You can also say : "solt pleose" if you are not absolutly shure of the quality of the relation you have with  the one you are speaking to.

This is the minimum you must know to survive,  If you need other lessons  tell it  to me...

Publié dans Carnet VIII

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